Friday, March 15, 2013

chia and goji toasted muesli

It's a bit of a rainy drizzly day today, so I decided that after the house work, some time in the kitchen was called for.

I wanted to make something that would jazz up my breakfasts a bit, as these days I've just fallen into the pattern of fruit and yogurt to start my day. Toasted muesli is exactly the addition that I'm in need of.

Packed with omega-3's in the chia, antioxidants in the goji and wholegrain's in the oats - this will do my growing baby bump a whole lot of good. Not to mention tastes amazing!


1/4 c organic honey
2 tbsp coconut oil

2 c rolled oats
1/4 c chia seeds
1/2 c goji berries


Melt honey and coconut oil in a small saucepan on the stove.
Once melted, remove from stove and stir in all other ingredients.
Spread on to a parchment lined tray and bake for 20 minutes at 100 C, door slightly ajar.
Keep your eye on it, tossing every 5 minutes or so.
Remove from oven and cool completely before crumbling the mixture.
Store in an airtight container up to a week or two.

Friday, March 8, 2013

sandwich cake - smörgåstårta

So, mostly it is a ghost town on this site - I can explain! 

It's not that I don't want to be posting, it's just that I've been flat out with work and the impending birth of our daughter. Somehow that doesn't seem like a good enough excuse, but it's all I got.

Last weekend I was fortunate enough to have a baby shower with friends and family. It was a fantastic day and I was so overwhelmed by the generosity of those wonderful people. I worry that I'll never be able to show how much I appreciate every ones gifts, love and support.

Anyways, for the shower I finally tackled something that I've been wanting to make for such a long time - Smörgåstårta! Basically it is a Scandinavian savoury cake that often pops up at celebrations.

Honestly I couldn't believe how easy it was to put together and the best bit by far was the alternate decorating. Usually with cakes you use sweets or icing to decorate but for this, you have to keep it savoury which means you get to be creative.

You can fill it with whatever you want, like deli meats, tuna, egg, smoked salmon, etc - but I've kept it vegetarian.

iced teas

the spread



1loaf of wholemeal spelt bread (homemade or otherwise)

1 lemon, juiced mixed with 2 tbsp water
500g natural organic yogurt, drained for 2 hours or so
1 cucumber, finely sliced
1/2 c sun dried tomatoes
400g cream cheese (reduced fat is okay)

green leaves, herbs, edible flowers, other veggies - for decorating


Cut the crusts off the loaf, then slice length ways into 3.
Arrange one of the slices on your presentation dish.
Using a pastry brush, brush the top of the slice with 1/4 of the lemon juice mixture.
Arrange 1/2 the cucumber slices on top, then spread over 1/2 the yogurt. Top the yogurt with the remaining slices of cucumber.
Next, stack other slice of bread, brushing the under layer and top with another 1/4 (each side) of the lemon juice.
Place the sun dried tomatoes and remaining yogurt in a food processor and blend for about 20-30 seconds.
Spread over the slice of bread and top with the remaining slice of bread (brushing the underside with the remaining lemon juice).
Cover and place in refrigerator overnight (with a weight on top, a plate works fine) to allow flavours to infuse.

About an hour or so before serving, decorate the cake. 
Spread the cream cheese over the loaf and decorate it to your hearts content.
I've used marigolds, parsley, chervil, mint leaves and lettuce leaves. Also, the day before I peeled a fresh beetroot and carrot, rolled them to look like a rose, securing the bottom with a toothpick.